Russian army marches with ‘Made in Bihar’ shoes manufactured in Hajipur

Hajipur (Bihar) Hajipur (Bihar): In a commendable testament to global collaboration and local enterprise, the Russian Army is now marching on footwear manufactured in the heart of Bihar. Hajipur-based Competence Exports Pvt Ltd has successfully established itself as a significant player in the international market by manufacturing high-quality safety footwear for the Russian Army. Established in 2018, Competence Exports has grown rapidly, driven by a commitment to quality and a mission to generate local employment. Shib Kumar Roy, General Manager, Competence Exports, said, “Our primary goal in setting up the Hajipur facility was to create employment opportunities for the local community. Currently, we export all our safety footwear to Russia, but we are also exploring opportunities in Europe and aim to launch in the domestic market soon.” Established in 2018, Competence Exports has grown rapidly, driven by a commitment to quality and a mission to generate local employment. “Our primary goal of setting up the Hajipur facility was to create employment opportunities for the local community. Currently, we export all our safety shoes to Russia, but we are also looking for opportunities in Europe and aim to launch in the domestic market soon,” said Shib Kumar Roy, general manager, Competence Exports. Appreciating the support received from the Bihar government, Roy highlighted the need for better infrastructure and improved communication facilities to facilitate seamless interaction with international buyers. “To sustain and grow our operations, we also need a training institute to provide skilled manpower,” Roy said. Apart from safety shoes, Competence Exports is also making inroads into the luxury fashion market.

The company exports designer shoes to Italy, France, Spain and the UK, with talks underway to expand to Belgium. “Our goal is to develop high-end footwear for international brands,” said Mazhar Pallumiah, fashion development and marketing head. “Though there were initial objections from foreign companies, our quality products have won their confidence. We hope some of these companies will visit our factory next month,” he said.

Despite the challenges of starting a fashion industry in Bihar, Pallumaiya expressed hope, “With the vision of our promoters and government support, we are confident in our ability to continue expanding.” This success story from Hajipur not only highlights Bihar’s potential in global manufacturing but also underlines the importance of quality, innovation and local empowerment in achieving international fame.

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