Raipur. Suspect caught with knife. Police said that patrolling team was checking suspicious persons, during this a suspicious person was seen near Atal Awas Adarsh Chowk who was hiding after seeing police, he was checked and a sharp iron knife was found hidden with him.
When asked his name and address, he told his name as Raj Dhruv father Vishnu Dhruv age 20 years, resident of EWS Quarter Adarsh Chowk Kabir Nagar Raipur. A sharp iron knife was seized from the possession of the accused and the accused was arrested and action was taken by registering crime number 05/2025 section 25 Arms Act against the accused in Kabir Nagar police station.
Name of accused – Raj Dhruv father Vishnu Dhruv age 20 years address EWS Quarter House number 05 Adarsh Chowk Police Station Kabir Nagar District Raipur