Raipur: Shankar Nagar mobile robbery case revealed, all three robbers turned out to be minors

Raipur raipur news. Shankar Nagar mobile robbery has been revealed. All three robbers turned out to be minors. Police said that Lomash Kumar Sahu lodged a report at Khamhardih police station that he lives in Ashoka Park B-07 Khamhardih district Raipur and works as a driver. On the evening of 14.07.2024, the applicant had gone to his brother-in-law’s house in Lodhipara and stayed there for the night, on the morning of 15.07.2024 at around 05.00 am, the applicant was coming from his brother-in-law’s house to his house in Ashoka Park on foot, when he reached Shakti Nagar in front of Arogya Hospital, then 03 unknown persons riding a motorcycle from behind came to the applicant and stopped him and beat him up and looted the mobile phone kept in his pant pocket and started running away, when the applicant protested, they stabbed the applicant with a knife in his leg and fled from there. On which crime number 308/24 section 309(6), 3(5) B.N.S. was registered against the unknown accused in police station Khamhardih. chhattisgarh

chhattisgarh news Senior Superintendent of Police Santosh Kumar Singh took the robbery incident seriously and directed Additional Superintendent of Police City Lakhan Patel, Additional Superintendent of Police Crime Sandeep Mittal, City Superintendent of Police Assembly Kesarinandan Nayak, Deputy Superintendent of Police Crime Sanjay Singh to trace the unknown accused and arrest them as soon as possible. Shankar Nagar Mobile Robbery

On which the joint team of Anti Crime and Cyber ​​Unit and Police Station Khamhardih started to trace the unknown accused by conducting detailed interrogation of the applicant and the people around him in relation to the incident. The team members inspected the incident site and checked hundreds of CCTVs installed at the incident site and around it. While observing the footage of the cameras, information was also collected about the two-wheeler used to commit the incident. During this time, the team members received important information about the accused involved in the case. On which the team members caught 03 children in conflict with the law involved in the case and upon questioning them, they accepted to have committed the said incident of robbery. On which all the three were arrested and the looted mobile phone and the two-wheeler used in the incident, 02 knives and 01 mobile phone were seized from their possession and action was taken against them.

Arrested – 03 children in conflict with the law.

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