Raipur News: The cunning man who did duty all day and then stole a bike at night was arrested

Raipur. Maheshwar Dhruv, a cunning thief who stole a motorcycle in the Golbazar police station area, has been arrested. According to Golbazar Police, Roshan Ali came to the Golbazar police station and filed a report that on 11.07.2024, some unknown thief stole the applicant’s motorcycle Honda Activa CG-04-DV-9419 from Nayapara, Raipur near Rehmania Chowk. On this report, a crime number 250/2024 under section 303 (2) BNS was registered at the Golbazar police station and investigation was taken up.
chhattisgarh raipur news During the investigation, the CCTV camera footage installed around the incident site was observed in which the accused was seen washing the applicant’s vehicle, motorcycle, on foot. After taking the footage on mobile and interrogating the people, it was found out that the accused was working as a parking attendant in a hotel located in Chhotapara under Kotwali police station area. When the accused Roshan Ali was caught and upon strict interrogation, he admitted to stealing the applicant’s motorcycle. The accused Maheshwar Dhruv, father Teeju Ram Dhruv, age 35 years, address village Gagara, police station Arjuni, district Dhamtari (Chhattisgarh), present address – Hotel Golden Eye, Kotwali, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), was arrested and action was taken by recovering the motorcycle Honda Activa CG-04-DV-9419 from his possession. chhattisgarh
Arrested accused – Maheshwar Dhruv father Teeju Ram Dhruv age 35 years address village Gagra, police station Arjuni, district Dhamtari (Chhattisgarh) present address – Hotel Golden Eye, Kotwali, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)