Raipur raipur news. Before take off, the air hostess gives a demo of the safety measures to be taken during the journey. Following the same, today a passenger took the risk of opening the emergency gate of the plane. After that the passenger was deboarded. This incident happened today in Raipur.
In an Indigo flight going from Raipur to Delhi, a passenger tried to open the emergency exit gate of Indigo flight number 6E 2205. This incident happened when the flight was about to take off. Here, seeing the passenger opening the exit, there was a commotion among the crew members. The crew members caught the passenger in a hurry. Currently, the passenger has been taken off the flight. However, due to this act of the passenger, the flight got delayed. This passenger, a resident of Rajim, was going to Delhi with his family, his seat was allotted near the emergency gate.
Indigo flight According to the information, Indigo flight number 6E 2205 going from Raipur to Delhi was ready for flight. As per the prescribed manual, the air hostess was informing the passenger about the rules, instructions and facilities of the flight. The air hostess told about the exit gate and how it is used when needed. The air hostess had just finished her talk when a passenger got up from his seat and tried to open the flight gate.
chhattisgarh news Airport director Sharma confirmed that the passenger has been handed over to the police. Police said on the basis of interrogation of the passenger that the emergency door button was pressed by mistake.