Punjab: Tarsem Singh, jailed pro-Khalistan activist and father of Khadoor Sahib MP Amritpal Singh, was on Tuesday detained by Amritsar police from his house in Jallupur Khera village to prevent him from taking part in a Qaumi Insaaf Morcha protest in Mohali. After being placed under house arrest, Tarsem Singh recorded a video message and called upon people to join the Morcha in large numbers. He condemned the police action and accused Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann of ‘repression’.
Tarsem Singh had recently announced plans to launch a new political party, the name of which will be announced at the Maghi Mela in Muktsar. Tarsem Singh alleged that the government was undermining democracy by creating an atmosphere of fear in the village. “Police force has been deployed across the village since Monday night. The Bhagwant Mann government is undermining democracy by depriving people of the right to express their anger,” he said. The police released him in the afternoon. Some other Sikh activists, including Ranjeet Singh of Damdami Taksal, were also reportedly detained to prevent them from joining the protest.