Punjab: Moga police claimed to have busted a gang of highway robbers, arresting all its five members, including a suspended constable. The suspects have been identified as Kuldeep Singh alias Akash, Gurmukh Singh alias Bhola, Ravinder Singh alias Ghoda, Harpreet Singh alias Happy and suspended policeman Kamalpreet Singh alias KP. All of them are residents of Daudhar Sharqi village. Kamalpreet was absent from his duty at Bathinda’s Central Jail for the last two months and was suspended by the department a few days ago. According to police sources, the gang was involved in several highway robberies in the area. The police conducted a detailed investigation and surveillance, following which the five suspects were arrested. Two stolen motorcycles and four mobile phones have been recovered from them. Moga DSP Anwar Ali said Kamalpreet had got a job in the Punjab Police on compassionate grounds.