Raigarh. Raigarh. Ajit Singh (name changed), living in Gorkha under Kotrarod police station, had applied in the SDM court Raigarh to get back his two children who had separated from his wife after a family dispute. Lavkesh’s wife had gone to Gujarat with the children, after which SDM Raigarh, while hearing the case, issued a search warrant to the police station in-charge Kotrarod to search for both the children and present them in the court. The applicant met the station in-charge Inspector Trinath Tripathi and told the whole situation, after which the station in-charge showed sensitivity in the matter and informed the senior officers.
Under his guidance, a team of Head Constable Prem Singh Sidar, Lady Constable Kishori Chauhan and Constable Shiva Pradhan was formed, which was sent to Meghpur police station of Jamnagar district of Gujarat. The police team reached there and searched for both the children following the legal procedure and brought them back to Raigarh with the applicant. The court issued an order for proper care and upbringing of the children and handed over both the children to their father. This action is not only a victory of the law but also a sensitive initiative which reunited a separated family.