Balrampur. CM Vishnudev Sai today dedicated a total of 198 development works worth Rs 177.24 crore to the people of the district by inaugurating and performing Bhoomi Pujan during the Sankranti festival held at Tatapani in Balrampur-Ramanujganj district.
Our government has special focus on the all-round development of all the districts of Surguja division. Our government is working with determination to ensure that the lives of the people of this tribal-dominated region are full of progress and prosperity. Cabinet Minister Ramvichar Netam, MLA Uddeshwari Pankra, Shakuntala Singh Porte, Prabodh Minj, Rajesh Agarwal, senior leader Ramsevak Pankra, former MP Kamalbhan Singh Marabi and other dignitaries were present in the program.