Organization of Gautam Prasadi Bhandara on the first death anniversary of Jain religious guru Shri Ratan Muni Ji

Durg. On the first death anniversary of Chhattisgarh pioneer Lokmanya Saint Pujya Gurudev Shri Ratan Muni Ji Maharaj, Ratan Bhojan Prasadi Bhandara was organized in Shanichari Bazar Durg.
Around 2000 people participated in the Gautam Prasadi distribution which lasted from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. The members of Shraman Sangh Swadhyay Mandal took the food and provided their service with enthusiasm and zeal.
Navkar Mahamantra chanting ritual and Ratan Guru Chalisa was organized yesterday night from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the memory of the religious leader of Jain community Shri Ratan Muni Ji in the premises of Jai Anand Madhukar Ratan Bhawan Bandha Talab Fort in which Shramana Sandh family members Apart from Jain community, Guru devotee family also participated in this ritual.
Shraman Sangh Swadhyay Mandal members Nitin Sancheti Padam Chhajed, Rakesh Sancheti Tikam Chhajed Prakash Kankaria Atul Chordiya Prem Begani Tonu Chhajed Aditya Nahar Saurabh Ratan Bohra Jinesh Jain Lalit Karnavat Sushil Parakh, Ameet Parakh Suresh Chopra Labh Chhajed dedicated their service on this occasion.