One has to go to Ahmedabad regularly for treatment, now Chief Minister Sai has taken the responsibility of getting the treatment done

raipur news. Roshan Sahu, who came from Raman Mandir Ward of Fafadeep in Raipur, gave an application to Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai in the Chief Minister’s Jandarshan regarding the treatment of his son. He told that his 8-year-old son Lakshya is suffering from atrophy of bladder disease. He went everywhere for its treatment. His financial condition is not good but he tried his best to get treatment. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai

When he got the information that this disease is treated free of cost by Australia Foundation in Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, he went there too but was told there that he would have to go to Ahmedabad regularly for this. Roshan told that due to poor financial condition, it costs a lot to go to Ahmedabad. In such a situation, he has come to give an application to the Chief Minister.

After listening to his problem, the Chief Minister directed the officials of the Health Department in this regard, he said that proper arrangements should be made for the treatment of the child’s disease and the problems arising in this regard should be removed. Lakshya’s father expressed his gratitude to the Chief Minister in the Jandarshan. He said that I was tired of treating the child for a long time and had lost hope, but now after meeting the Chief Minister, I have a new hope.

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