Odisha train crash: Separated 48 hours after marriage, couple reunites at SCB MCH

CUTTACK: For Deepika Pali (26), life took a cruel turn just 48 hours after her marriage to Mohammed Rafiq (29). The couple, travelling in the ill-fate Coromandal Express from Shalimar to Visakhapatnam got married on May 31 and were separated two days later.

While Rafiq, who works in a hotel in Visakhapatnam, fractured a leg, Deepika sustained injuries on her head, hand and waist in the mishap. The couple was sent to SCB Medical College and Hospital while they were unconscious after the accident. At the hospital, while Deepika was admitted to the Surgery ward, Rafiq was sent to the Trauma ward.

After regaining senses on Monday, Deepika enquired about Rafiq. Associate Professor Sibabrata Kar, who was in the ward examining the patients got to know of Deepika’s plight and informed hospital manager Debasish Patra. “The hospital administration swung into action checked the admission register and Rafiq was traced to the Trauma ward,” said administrative officer Abinash Rout.

Deepika was taken to the Trauma ward on Tuesday where she saw Rafiq and could not control her tears. “We had married on May 31 and started the journey on June 2. Never had I thought I would be able to see my husband. It is because of the doctors and hospital administration we were reunited,” said an overwhelmed Deepika. While Deepika was discharged on Wednesday, Rafiq is still undergoing treatment and is being looked after by his wife. Meanwhile, sources said necessary surgery has been performed for fixing Rafiq’s fractured leg.

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