Niranjan got relief from problems due to construction of pucca house

Balod. As per the wish of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, every person of the country, especially those families who do not have their own permanent house to reside. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, started to provide them suitable accommodation for living with their families, is proving to be very beneficial for the beneficiaries in many ways. It was like a dream to imagine having a permanent residence, especially for people from the lower strata of the society who earn their living by doing daily labor. But today, as a result of the meaningful efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, this very ambitious scheme started to provide permanent housing to all the people of the society is proving to be fruitful. As a result of this ambitious plan and successful implementation of this scheme in Balod district, agricultural laborer Niranjan, resident of village Padkibhat of Balod development block, got relief from many problems by getting a permanent house.

Due to poverty, even thinking of getting a permanent house for safe residence for himself and his family was once a mere fantasy for Niranjan. But as a result of successful implementation of this scheme in Balod district, today a permanent house suitable for residence of Niranjan and his family has been constructed. In which Niranjan is living a happy life with his family. Niranjan, who was looking very happy after getting his own permanent house as a result of Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana, said that many of his problems have been solved by getting his permanent house built as a result of this scheme. He told that before the house was built, he used to live in a kutcha house with his family. In which apart from dripping water during rainy days, one had to face many problems like entry of insects in the house. Due to living in a kutcha house with tiles, one had to face a lot of problems due to water logging in the house during rainy days. Apart from this, many times Jagran had to be done due to rain at night. But today, with the construction of a permanent house as a result of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, a major problem of our family has been solved. He said that now we are living in this house with our family without any worries. Apart from this, they are leaving their small children safe at home and going to their work on time. He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is successfully implementing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana to provide suitable housing for many poor people like us. He is very public friendly and public welfare. For this, he has expressed his humble gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Government of India and expressed his heartfelt thanks to them.

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