Neither got job nor compensation, the head of the family committed suicide

Korba. For the progress of the country, a family who dedicated their ancestral land to coal mining faced such an economic crisis that the head of the family had to commit suicide. No one else is responsible for Dilharan’s death but the system which is not in favor of providing justice, but in favor of avoiding it.

Dilharan Patel’s family is among those whose land was acquired for SECL’s Kusmunda project. SECL had acquired the land of Chandrapur resident Dilharan Patel. Like others, Dilharan was also struggling for the demand of compensation for the same land and job.

During the days of struggle, the economic condition of his family became so bad that they became dependent on food grains. Dilharan realized after all the struggle that justice would not be served. That’s why he ate poison. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition, where he died during treatment. Dilharan Patel’s son Amar Patel told that his father used to get upset seeing the family in financial crisis. He took this step out of desperation. Took land from the villagers but did not give compensation. It is noteworthy that in Korba district itself, there are hundreds of Dilharan Patels, whose land was made landless by taking it in the name of a mine.

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