My daughter’s caste certificate was not being made for three years, she was wandering around to get the caste certificate made, was worried for a long time, then the district administration officials called my daughter and me to the school camp. I reached the school with my daughter and gave the necessary documents and the application was done immediately and the caste certificate was made and given to me. As soon as the caste certificate came in my hands, I was very happy for a moment. These words are of Mrs. Phulkeshwari Ratre who reached the government school of Daundekala. She says that my daughter Naina Ratre studies in the government school of Daundekala. Apart from the caste certificate of my daughter, the Domicile and Income certificate have also been made. For this I thank the Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai that he removed the worry about my daughter’s future. I also thank Collector Dr. Gaurav Singh. Fulkeshwari and Naina’s faces lit up with smiles after getting the certificates in their hands. caste certificate
It is worth mentioning that Collector Dr. On the instructions of Gaurav Singh, camps were organized in various schools of the district today. The benefit of this camp was given to school students. In this, caste, domicile and income certificates were made and handed over immediately.
Teacher’s son got domicile certificate immediately
Teacher Mr. Umesh Mohan Markandey reached the camp organized in the Government Higher Secondary School of Daundekala with his son Sameer. Mr. Markandey’s son studies in class 12. His domicile certificate was not made. An immediate application was made and a domicile certificate was made and handed over to him immediately in the camp itself. Thanking the district administration for this initiative, he said that the domicile certificate of the son has been made with great ease and simplicity. I thank you very much for this.
Their income and domicile certificates were also made
Tanuja Nirmalkar, Lokeshwari Mandale, Devika Sahu, Mithilesh Sen, Sevika Sahu, Neeta Dhivar, Takesh Sahu, Lipakshi Sahu, Kanchan Yadav.