National Highway 43 has potholes of death, now the plastering is going on

Raipur. National Highway 43 has developed huge cracks and potholes within a year of its construction. TBCL Company is the builder of this National Highway. Within a year of construction, huge pits and cracks have developed at many places, which are being filled by pouring chemicals. There were cracks on the road at the time of construction itself, but no one paid attention to it. At the time of construction itself, a complaint was made about the sub-standard construction. Now the payment of the company has stopped, for which the cracks and potholes are being filled with chemicals.

It is worth noting that the work on this road started on October 7, 2016 after the tender. The work was to be completed within the time limit of 2 years but could not be done. In the meanwhile 4 contractors were changed. First of all GVR company started, the company Delhi’s Parth company started work on the level of petty contractor after he gave up. Parth also could not work. A contractor from Surajpur started the work but that too failed. After all this, TBCL started the work. NH officials said that if the work is done, then we all will be acquitted. TBCL took advantage of the inaction of the NH officials and by doing sub-standard work, the work is still half-completed. The quality of the work done is low. Due to which there are big cracks and potholes on the road. The work of National Highway 43 was to be completed in June 23. But still 35 to 40 percent work has not been done.

Maintenance is for 4 years, but after handover. No handover has happened yet. 30 years of drawing design. Sub Engineer Naveen Sinha said that solution chemicals are used as per the requirement. The NH is yet to be handed over. There is a maintenance time limit of 4 years after the hand over.

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