Mumbai: Due to the sluggishness of monsoon in India, heat waves may increase in North India

MUMBAI: India’s monsoon rain has lost its momentum after covering western regions ahead of schedule, and its arrival in northern and central states may be delayed, worsening heatwaves in the grain-growing plains, two senior weather officials told Reuters. Summer rains crucial to boosting economic growth in Asia’s third-largest economy usually begin in the south around June 1 and spread across the country by July 8, allowing farmers to plant crops such as rice, cotton, soybean and sugarcane. “The monsoon has slowed down after reaching Maharashtra and may take a week to gain momentum,” an India Meteorological Department (IMD) official told Reuters. The monsoon arrived in the western state of Mumbai about two days ahead of schedule, but its progress to central and northern states will be delayed by a few days, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The lifeline of the nearly $3.5 trillion economy, the monsoon brings India about 70% of the rain needed to water farms and replenish reservoirs and aquifers. In the absence of irrigation, nearly half of the agricultural land in the world’s second-largest producer of rice, wheat and sugar depends on the annual rains that fall from June to September.

Maximum temperatures in India’s northern states ranged between 42 degrees Celsius and 46 degrees Celsius (108 degrees Fahrenheit to 115 degrees Fahrenheit), about 3 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit and 9 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal, IMD data showed. India’s northern and eastern states, such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Odisha, are likely to experience heatwaves for several days over the next two weeks, another weather official said. “Weather models are not indicating any early relief from the heatwave,” the official said. “The delay in the progress of the monsoon will lead to increased temperatures in the northern plains.” Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak to the media. India is one of many parts of Asia battling unusually hot summers, a trend scientists say is being worsened by human-driven climate change. This month, the capital New Delhi recorded its highest ever temperature, with some places hitting 49.9 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), while heatwaves of up to 44 degrees Celsius (112 degrees Fahrenheit) left states struggling with water shortages. Rainfall is likely to be below normal in central, northern and some western states over the next two weeks, the second official said. The IMD says India has received 1% less rainfall than normal since the season began on June 1.

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