Raipur. Safiq alias Sonu Khan has been arrested for selling alcohol. The police team received information from an informer that a person is selling illegal liquor in Derapara Khamtarai in front of the RTO office. On raiding the place mentioned by the informer, a person was found who was found keeping liquor in a white plastic bag. On asking the name and address, Safiq alias Sonu Khan, father Hamid Khan, age 22 years, resident of Ghazi Nagar Birgaon, Urla Police Station, Raipur district. 34 quarters of country liquor plain worth Rs 3060 was seized from the possession of the accused and crime number 53/25 section 34 (2) of the Excise Act was registered at Khamtarai Police Station and after taking action, the accused was sent on judicial remand. Name of the accused – Safiq alias Sonu Khan father Hamid Khan age 22 years resident of Gazi Nagar Birgaon police station Urla district Raipur
A total of 50 quarters of country liquor masala liquor quantity 9.000 bulk liters worth Rs 5500 were recovered and seized from the accused Yogendra Nirmalkar father Anand Ram Nirmalkar age 38 years village Tamasivani police station Arang district Raipur near Arang Yuvraj Petrol Pump for illegal sale of liquor. The accused was arrested as he was found guilty of crime number 44/2025 section 34(2) of the Excise Act and sent to the Hon’ble Court in judicial custody as the case is non-bailable.