Mumbai: The makers have released the second song of actor Jeeva and Arjun Sarja’s latest film Agathiya. This film will come with a rural background as well as a good thrilling concept. Jeeva’s previous film Black also got good success. Now he will greet Tamil, Telugu and Hindi audiences with the film Agathiya. Recently a song named ‘Nelamma Thalli’ has been released from this film. However, this song is highlighting the action king Arjun.
Produced by Aisri Ganesh under the banner of Vels Film International, this film is written and directed by famous lyricist Pa. Vijay. Actress Raashi Khanna has played the lead role and music is given by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Producer Aisri Ganesh has already told that this is a horror thriller story film thus he said that this film is made on the theme of vs devils. He said that this will be a fictional story film which will take the audience to another world like Avengers. He said that this film is produced in collaboration with Aneesh Arjundev’s Vam India Company.