Karukonda Rehabilitation centre in Malkangiri yet to be completed

Malkangiri: Though long five years have already passed, the under construction Rehabilitation Centre at Karukonda in Malkangiri district of Odisha is yet to be completed. Meanwhile many eligible beneficiaries have died. As per reports, crores of rupees have been spent for construction of the Karunkonda Rehabilitation Centre. However, it is yet to be completed though five years have passed. Even there is no satisfactory answers available from RTI data in this matter. The company authorities are saying that there will be delay for a few months. Malkangiri people have asked why the departmental officers are sitting silent. A scheme was started to provide support to the elderly and destitute people.

The government started the work of the rehabilitation center at Karunkonda in Malkangiri five years ago on 25 acres of land. The District Social Security Officer said that he does not have any information about the building. When sought under the Right to Information Act, the data was not available in the office of the District Social Security Officer. The information officer of the department sent it to the state social security department. Because the tender for this building was invited from the departmental secretary’s office. From there only, the work order was given to the contractor that got this work. Reportedly, the expenditure cost has been paid by the Secretary’s office to the construction company. The project was started on March 7, 2019.

The estimated expenditure was 27 crores 44 lakhs 2 thousand 700 rupees. Later the amount was increased to Rs. 35 crore 69 lakh 17 thousand rupees. Bridge and Roof Company (India) Limited has been given this work. Reportedly, 33 crore 69 lakh 16 thousand 300 rupees has already been paid to this company by 15th December 2021. It has been mentioned in the account receipt given by the Company to the Department. The company has spent 18 crore 7 lakh 55 thousand 291 rupees in construction of the building. The rest 15 crore 61 lakh rupees is with the company. The information was obtained from the company receipt received through RTI. After knowing this Kalinga TV went to the site in Karukunda to know the truth. It was seen that the construction work has slowed down. As of now 60% work has been completed. A few laborers were seen working on plastering. There are thousands of questions in the minds of the residents of Malkangiri district regarding the delay in work of the rehabilitation center. An old man in Indira Colony had no one and was a destitute and living under a tree for a long time.

He died recently. If the rehab center work would have completed as scheduled, the elderly person might not have passed away. Not only this old man, but such incidents are seen quite often in the district. The locals warned that if the district administration will not any bold step in this regard, they will be forced to stage protest. On the other hand, the District Social Security Officer said that secretary level discussions are being done every month with the company that has taken over the construction work of this building. The company has said that it will hand over the buildings by December 31, 2024.

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