Jalandhar: ASI Gurnek Singh posted at Mahilpur police station was seriously injured in a collision between a car and a truck near village Goliyon on Garhshankar-Hoshiarpur road. Garhshankar police has taken both the vehicles into custody and started investigation. According to the information received, ASI Gurnek Singh was going towards Garhshankar in his car for some work. When he reached near Goliyon bus stop, his car collided with a truck loaded with gas cylinders coming from the front, in which he was seriously injured. People admitted him to Civil Hospital Garhshankar for treatment. The truck was being driven by Gurpreet Singh, a resident of Patiala. He told that he was going to HPCL plant located in Nasrala after loading cylinders in the truck. Both the vehicles were badly damaged in the accident.