Raipur raipur news. It is raining heavily in Raipur after noon. Due to this, people have got relief from humidity. Clouds have been covering many districts including Raipur, Durg since morning. At the same time, the rain that was raining since morning in Bilaspur, Korba and Gariaband has stopped.
Chhattisgarh A yellow alert for heavy rain has been issued in the districts of Bastar division today. There is a possibility of light to moderate rain in many areas of the state today. According to the Meteorological Department, monsoon activity will increase in the state for the next 5 days. chhattisgarh news
So far 259.2 mm of rain has been recorded in the state, which is 27 percent less than the average. The state should have received 355.8 mm of rain since June 1. Normal rain has occurred in 12 districts. The remaining districts have received less than average rainfall. According to the Meteorological Department, there will be good rain in the coming days.