India handed over the second tranche of so many million US dollars to help Palestinian refugees.

Ramallah: India on Thursday released the second tranche of US$2.5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). With this, India also completed its annual contribution of USD 5 million for 2023-24, the Indian Embassy in Palestine said in a statement. The contribution was handed over by Chargé d’Affaires Mrs. Elizabeth Rodrigues. Its purpose is to support the Agency’s core programs and services, including education, health care, relief and social services provided to Palestinian refugees. “The Government of India, today, released the second tranche of US$ 2.5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), complementing its annual contribution of US$ 5 million for the year 2023-24. Completes.

To support the core programs and services of the agency, including education, health care, relief and social services provided to Palestinian refugees, the Indian Embassy statement said. Notably, India has increased its annual contribution to the agency to US$5 million from US$1.25 million in 2018.

According to the Ministry of External Affairs, India has contributed approximately US$30 million in the last five years for the welfare of the people of Palestine. “As a symbol of its solidarity with Palestinian refugees, India increased its annual contribution to the agency from US$1.25 million to US$5 million in 2018 and has contributed nearly US$30 million over the past five years. I am happy to announce that we will continue our contribution at the level of USD 5 million for the next two years,” Dammu Ravi, Secretary (ER), Ministry of External Affairs, had said in a statement at UNRWA in September. “India, over the years, has remained a committed development partner of Palestine and supporting its nation-building efforts. We are actively engaged in providing technical and developmental assistance to improve the lives of the Palestinian people. We have developmental support.” The people of Palestine will continue”.

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