Hyderabad: OGH surgeons remove metal spikes from GI tract of 21-year-old inmate

Hyderabad: Senior surgeons at Osmania General Hospital (OGH) removed various foreign objects, including metal nails, from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of an inmate. A police escort took 21-year-old prisoner Mohammad Sohail to OGH after he complained of stomach ache and severe indigestion. Professor of General Surgery, Dr. B. Ramesh was taken to Unit 7 of Sirugiya General Wing and after his research, was sent to the Gastroenterology department for extraction of foreign bodies. Professor and Chief of Defense Department of Gastroenterology, Dr. B. Ramesh Kumar and his team removed various foreign bodies, including swallowed nails, from the patient’s gastrointestinal tract and after the surgery, the patient was stable. OGH Superintendent Dr. B. Nagendra appreciated the joint work of General Surgery and Gastroenterology departments and congratulated the doctors. El Jefe de Gastroenterology, Dr. B. Ramesh Kumar said that in the past the department has performed several procedures to remove foreign bodies from the gastrointestinal tract of children through endoscopy, the youngest of which was a 2-month-old baby. ,

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