Raipur. In every major city of Chhattisgarh including the capital, sex service business is going on openly in many places in the name of spa and massage parlours. In the posh area, this business is continuously spreading in the name of massage parlour. Prostitution is taking place in the massage parlors and cafes of the city including many hotels of the mega highway. Girls are doing flesh trade in the guise of massage in parlours. On the other hand, in hotels, young men and women are staying in rooms without revealing their identity. Girls from other states are doing prostitution here by staying in massage parlors and hotels.
Girls from other states stay in many hotels of the city, who make relations with the youth coming to the hotel. While according to the rules, the room cannot be booked in the hotel without the identity documents. Not only Indian, foreign girls will also be found working in the massage parlour. Alam is that if you search massage parlor by entering the name of the area on Google, then not one or two but dozens of massage parlor names will appear along with the mobile number.
In every small and big city of the country, the business of prostitution has now reached posh areas and luxurious markets after coming out of the infamous streets. To throw dust in the eyes of the police, the brokers of this business have hi-teched their method. Till a few years ago, the businessmen used to take the guise of orchestras and musical groups, or modeling agencies, providing escort service in five-star hotels or sending girls from brothels in posh areas for prostitution. But when all these methods were caught in the eyes of the police, the businessmen made spa and body massage a cover for their business. About five years ago in India, spa and body massage parlors were either in five star hotels or in very posh markets of metros. Later the companies running the resorts adopted this business to attract tourists. Till that time the business of spa and body massage was considered very neat and respectable. Not everyone could even enjoy this luxury as spa packages used to be very expensive. Getting a spa and body massage was considered a status symbol. Young men and women from educated and upper-class families used to adopt jobs in spa and body massage clinics and parlors as a career. Many big domestic and foreign cosmetics companies were associated with this business. But about two years ago, the business of spa parlors and body massages got black eyed by the merchants of prostitution. When the cover of other businesses closed, the callgirl operators started opening spas and body massages. In the last two years, spas and body massage parlors have mushroomed in every small and big city of the country. Malls, posh markets, lavish and well-equipped spas and body massage centers opened in every city where rich people live and tourists move. To attract customers, these spa centers installed attractive shine boards, got their website made and their attractive advertisements started appearing in newspapers and magazines. In the last year and a half, this business has become completely successful.