Google will bring search filter in Drive, any file will be found easily

New Delhi: Google has brought a new feature in its cloud storage service Google Drive. The name of this feature is search filter. Google Drive is the most used cloud storage service in the world, which users use to keep images, videos, documents etc. safely.
New feature will come in Google Drive
Google keeps making a lot of changes in its service and keeps introducing new features. For example, the web version of Google Drive has a new search bar, dark mode, a new way of organizing files, etc. These are some of the features that Google has included in the recent past. Now Google is going to include some new features in its special service. The name of one of those features is Search Filter, using which users can easily find any file of Google Drive. The new search filter feature of Google Drive will divide all the files into different categories. To find any file in Google Drive using the search filter, users will get three categories, which will include file type, owners and last modified. With the help of these three categories, users will be able to find any file easier and faster than before.
Dark mode introduced in web version
However, it remains to be seen when the search filter feature will be included in Google Drive. However, Google has recently started rolling out dark mode in the web version of Google Drive, which users were waiting for for many years. Dark mode was included in the mobile version of Google Drive a long time ago, but many users also use Google Drive in the web version of Google and due to the absence of dark mode there, it puts a lot of strain on their eyes and hence He had requested Google several times to include dark mode.

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