
Girls made electric pistol, will teach miscreants a lesson

Gorakhpur: Three girl students of ITM GIDA, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh have prepared a unique pistol to teach a lesson to the miscreants who tease. This pistol will not emit bullets but will emit a current of 10,000 volts. Not only this, this pistol can be used by connecting to mobile’s Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. These three students of Gorakhpur ITM GIDA, who make pistols, are Anshika Pathak, Smita Jaiswal, and Preeti Rawat. In fact, continuous efforts are being made at the government level for the safety of women, but the difficulties are not decreasing. In such a situation, this electronic pistol made by these girl students is going to prove to be very helpful.
Anshika Pathak told that in view of International Women’s Day, we have prepared Nari Shakti Gun for women safety and emergency services. If someone tries to harass or harm a woman, then by pressing the trigger of this pistol, the victim can give a current of 10 thousand volts to the person in front of her. Also, they will get help through emergency number through the phone connected to this device. Apart from this, this device can also be made in any other form other than a pistol. Multiple emergency number services can be added to this device. He told that Nirbhay Nari Shakti device pistol can be used by connecting it to mobile’s Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Women will be able to protect themselves in trouble. You can also call and send location to police and family members without touching the mobile.
This Nirbhay Nari Shakti pistol has been prepared in just 15 days in the innovation cell of the college. They say that this electronic pistol can be charged with any mobile phone charger. Can work for 5 months on one hour charge. Smita Jaiswal told that the body of the pistol has been prepared with a 3D printer. The pistol is made from hard fiber. Weighing approximately 125 grams and four inches long, this pistol is very small. Women can easily keep it in their purse or pocket. It has cost Rs 3,500 to prepare this pistol. 3D printer, Bluetooth module, 3.7 volt battery, switch, DC to AC transformer etc. have been used in its manufacturing.
The students say that there is no intention behind preparing this pistol to harm anyone. The only objective is to protect women in distress. The pistol will not fire a bullet but will release a current of 10,000 volts. In times of trouble, women will be able to protect themselves from anti-social elements. Pressing the trigger will cause current to flow to the barrel point of the pistol. When it comes in contact with the body, it will give a shock of current ranging from 1000 volts to 10,000 volts.
The students say that by pressing the trigger of the pistol twice continuously, a call will be made to the number and location of the family members, so that they will be able to reach the spot easily. Secretary of the institute Neeraj Aggarwal and Director NK Singh said that the girl students are continuously working in the innovation cell of the college. Many types of projects have been made keeping women safety in mind. This is quite useful. This will be sent to the administration later, so that it can become an important link in women’s safety in the future. Mahadev Pandey, Regional Scientific Officer of Veer Bahadur Singh Nakshatrashala, said that technology has always been making our lives easier. If it is a matter of women’s safety, a device like Nari Shakti can be very important. If women are stuck in some trouble, then in such a situation they can use it. If a woman is a victim of violence or harassment, it can be very effective in this also.

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