Delhi. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has suffered a major setback amidst Delhi elections. Some leaders of the party have joined the Bharatiya Janata Party. BJP leaders Manoj Tiwari and Harsh Malhotra held a press conference and got the new members to join BJP. Former AAP MLA Shridutt Sharma, two-time councilor Rekha Rani, MP Sanjay Singh’s representative Vijendra Chaudhary and former councilor Shilpa Kaur have joined the Bharatiya Janata Party.
BJP MP Harsh Malhotra said, “Kejriwal has not spoken a single word on his work in the last 10 years. Kejriwal has ruined the budget of MCD. There is no work culture, they have nothing to do with development.”
The BJP leader took a dig at Kejriwal and said that he has not formed a permanent committee, due to which the development work of MCD is stalled. I welcome the new members to BJP. BJP MP Manoj Tiwari said, “We welcome Vijendra Chaudhary, Rekha Rani, Shilpa Kaur, Atul Jain to BJP. Many councillors from Kamaljit Sehrawat’s area have joined us. Many leaders have come here on this occasion, we welcome all of you.”