
Do this work secretly in the days of Gupta Navratri

Right now the Gupta Navratri of Ashadh month is going on, which has started from Monday, 19th June and will end on 28th June. The auspicious day of Gupta Navratri is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, the mother of the world, during this time worshiping the Goddess in a secret way gives the best fruits to the seeker.
But in these auspicious days, if mother’s beloved Shri Shashthi Devi Stotram is recited with a true heart, then those who are deprived of the happiness of children get a son, as well as all the problems related to children end, so today we
Shree Shashthi Devi Stotram
, Let’s start on an auspicious note .
shrimanmataramambika vidhi manojataan sadabhishtadaan
Skandeshtan c Jagatprasu Vijaydan Satputra Saubhagyadam.
good morning good morning good morning
Shashthansha Prakrite: Paran Bhagwati Shridev Senan Bhaje ॥
Shashtansha Prakrite: Shuddha Supratishtha Cha Suvratam.
Son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son’s son.
Shvetchampak Varnabhan Raktabhushan Bhushitam.
Pavitra Rupam Param Devasena Parambhaje ॥
Ath Shri Shashthidevi Stotram.
Stotram Shrinu Munishrestha Sarvkaamshubhavaham.
Vanchhapradam c Sarveshan Gudham Vedas c Narad ॥
Priyavrat uvach.
Namo Devyai Mahadevyai Siddhyai Shantyai Namo Namah.
Shubhayai Devsenaayai Shashthidevyai Namo Namah ॥ 1॥
Namo Namah
Namo Namah to Shashthidevyai, the one who gives happiness and salvation. 2॥
Namo Namah to the world in its sixth form.
Mayayai Siddhayoginyai Shashthidevyai Namo Namah ॥ 3॥
Parayai Pardayai Cha Shashthidevyai Namo Namah.
Sarayai Saradayi Ch Parayai Sarvakarmanam ॥ 4॥
Namo Namah to Baladhishthatrudevyai Ch Shashthidevyai.
Kalyandayai Kalyanyayi fruitful c Karmanam ॥ 5॥
Pratyakshaayai Cha Bhaktanaan Shashthidevyai Namo Namah.
Worshiped Skandakantaye Sarveshan Sarvakarmasu ॥ 6॥
Namo Namah to Devrakshankarinya Shashthidevya.
Shuddhasattvavarupayai vanditayai nrinana always ॥ 7॥
Namo Namah to the Shashthidevyai of violence.
Money is in the body, beloved is in the body, son is in the body, Sureshwari. 8॥
Dharma Dehi Yasho Dehi Shashthidevyai Namo Namah.
The land, the people, the body, the knowledge is worshipped. 9॥
Kalyanam cha Jayam Dehi Shashthidevyai Namo Namah.
, Fruits
Iti Devi Cha Sanstuya Lebhe Putra Priyavrat: ॥ 10॥
Yashasvinam Ch Rajendram Shashthideviprasadtah.
शश्थिस्टोत्रमिदं ब्रह्मण्यः श्रिनोति च vatsaram ॥ 11.
Aputro labhate putram varam Suchirjivinam.
Varshmekam Ch or Bhaktya Sanyattedam Shrinoti Ch ॥ 12॥
Sarvapapadvinirmukta Mahavandhya Prasuyate.
Virputram cha Guninam Vidyavantam Yashasvinam ॥ 13॥
Suchirayushmantmev Shashthimatraprasad:.
Kakvandhya or woman’s death or Bhavet ॥ 14॥
वर्षं श्रृत्वा लभेटपुत्रं शश्थीदेविप्रसादतः।
Rogyukte cha bale cha father mother Shrunoti Chet ॥ 15॥
Masan ca muchyate balah shashthi devi prasad:.
, Iti Shreeshthidevistotram Sampurnam ॥

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