Astrology News: There is no dearth of festivals in Sanatan Dharma and all have their own importance but Ekadashi fast is considered special which comes twice every month. Currently the month of Chaitra is going on and Ekadashi falling in this month. It is known as Kamada Ekadashi which is considered the first Ekadashi of the Hindu New Year.
On this day, there is a tradition of worshiping Lord Vishnu. Devotees worship Lord Vishnu duly on Ekadashi and also keep fasts etc. It is believed that by doing this they get immense blessings from the Lord. Kamada Ekadashi of Chaitra month is on Friday, 19th April. Is Happening
On this day, along with worshiping Lord Vishnu and fasting, one should not do any work by mistake, otherwise the worship does not yield any results and also results in committing a great sin, so today we are telling you about the same through this article, so let us know. Are.
Do not do these things on Ekadashi-
According to religious beliefs, rice should not be consumed on any Ekadashi. Even if you are not fasting, avoid consuming rice on this day. Otherwise you will feel guilty. On this day, do not insult anyone or hurt anyone even by mistake. Doing this can lead to troubles in life. On the day of Kamada Ekadashi, there should not be any fight in the house. On this day, one should also avoid using abusive words, otherwise one would have to face problems. One should not get angry on Ekadashi otherwise one will not get the results of the fast.