
Dispose of garbage so that foul smell does not spread in Manali

Manali. Manali Deputy Commissioner Kullu Ashutosh Garg has directed the Municipal Council to dispose of the waste from the Garvage Treatment Plant of Manali and take effective steps to stop the foul smell. On the orders of NGT, the team of Deputy Commissioner and Pollution Control Board inspected the plant on Monday.

He inspected the disposal sites of daily generated waste and legacy based (old waste) and gave necessary guidelines. Due to the foul smell emanating from the Garvage Treatment Plant, it has become difficult for the people living nearby. Its impact on the health of school children has also been profound.

The surrounding SMC management and others have complained about this in the NGT. After which NGT has ordered to take effective steps to dispose of the waste from the plant.

In this connection, the Deputy Commissioner inspected the plant. During the inspection, he gave instructions to speed up the process of executing legacy based waste and also to dispose of the waste coming daily. He also ordered the Municipal Council to stop the leakage of garbage into the Beas River.

The Deputy Commissioner said that this site had been inspected earlier also on the orders of NGT. There has been a lot of improvement since then. The foul smell is now less than before. According to him, instructions have been given to both the city council and the companies running the plant to speed up the execution process.

During the inspection of the treatment plant, Deputy Commissioner Kullu said that the Pollution Control Board itself is monitoring it. During this time, Assistant Engineer of Pollution Control Board Sunil Sharma, Executive Officer of Municipal Council Karun Bharmauria and complainant were also present. Let us tell you that Manali is a famous tourist destination and thousands of tourists from India and abroad come here, hence cleanliness is very important.

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