Demand for dedicated market for farmers of backward areas of Margao

MARGAO MARGAO MARGAO MARGAO: Farmers from Netravali of Sangum taluka once again sold Matoli products at Lohia Maidan in Margao on Thursday. Speaking on the occasion, Social Welfare Minister Subhash Fal Desai publicly stated that there is a need for a market for remote farmers to sell in the commercial capital.

The proposed Kunbi village at Ugum in Sanguem will boost remote tourism and generate employment opportunities, adding that farmers from remote areas of the state should be provided a market facility in the city to market their products. “This market can be made available for farmers from remote areas under the tribal welfare department or any other department,” he said after inaugurating the Matoli market organised by the Atal Gram Vikas Agency at Lohia Maidan. The demand made by the Social Welfare Minister is significant and it comes in the backdrop that a similar demand for market facility for remote farmers in the commercial capital was made nearly two decades ago when Manohar Parrikar was the chief minister in the state later.

In the absence of proper marketing facilities in the city, farmers from remote taluks market their vegetable, fruit and other produce on footpaths and pavements in the commercial capital. Meanwhile, the social welfare minister has said that the proposed Kunbi village at Ugum, Sanguem will give a boost to local artisans. “The rural market with facilities of a mini-theatre and conference hall at Ugum will give a big boost to local artisans,” he said.

He strongly appealed to the people of Salcete to patronise the Matoli items displayed for sale by farmers of Netravali at Lohia Maidan till Friday. “These farmers have procured Matoli items from forest areas. It will give them a boost if people like their products for the upcoming Ganesh Chaturthi,” he said.

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