Jagdalpur. In Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh, a person became alive again after dying. Here the family members and their daughters were preparing for the last rites thinking that he was dead, then the father who was declared dead suddenly got up and sat down. The daughters had understood that father had left the world. But what is this, he became alive again. This whole matter pertains to Cherbahar village of Nagarnar police station area.
Let me tell you, after a dispute with his wife, the husband had consumed poison. After which the people of the entire village had reached his house. That is, the news of consumption of poison and the news of death also spread like fire in the village. That’s why the people of the village including the family started making preparations for the last rites. But before that the person became alive. On getting signs of his survival, the relatives took him to the medical college for treatment. Where he regained full consciousness after treatment. After regaining consciousness, he told the story of his death and coming back to life. Even the doctors were surprised to hear his story.