Durg. Under the guidance and guidance of Jain saint Rishabh Sagar Ji Maharaj, a five-day camp for parents of children concluded at Navkar Bhawan located in Rishabh Nagar Fort. More than 500 parents participated in this five-day parent camp.
The camp used to start at exactly 9:00 am and end at 10:00 am. When the parents were discussed about this camp, they said that such events should be organized in different cities of the country so that the society can understand the religion. With confidence towards the country and towards the self-righteous people, we can take the country, the society and the nation towards greater heights not always. All the members of Jain community expressed their gratitude towards Gurudev Rishabh Sagar ji for this event.
In the Dharma Sabha, a woman stood up and requested Gurudev that if we do not want to use intoxicants nor encourage anyone to use them, then why not take an oath in the Dharma Sabha itself. Saint Rishabh said in the Dharma Sabha When Sagar ji requested the present community in this regard, the people present in the Dharma Sabha gladly accepted it and took an oath not to use it.