Business: Having multiple SIM cards in one name will attract a penalty

BusinessBusiness: According to the new Telecom Act 2023, a person should have 9 SIM cards. If you keep more than this limit, you will have to pay a fine of up to Rs 200,000. In some cases, the punishment can be up to three years in jail. Do you have multiple SIM cards in your name? If yes, be careful? Because it can cause trouble. According to the Telecom Act 2023, a person can have a maximum of 9 SIM cards. In the Licensed Service Area (LSA) of Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and the North East, you can keep up to 6 SIM cards in your name. This law will come into force on June 26, 2024. If you have more SIM cards, you may face a fine and even a jail sentence.

Keeping more than this limit will attract a fine of up to Rs 50,000 for the first time. Removing more SIM cards than the limit will attract a fine of up to Rs 200,000. If the SIM card was obtained through illegal means such as fraud, cheating or identity theft, a jail term of up to three years can be given in addition to a fine. If someone steals a SIM card in your name without your knowledge, you will have to pay the price for it. I am very thankful to you. So you have to check how many SIM cards you have in your name. Your mobile provider can easily find out how many SIM cards they have in your name. So you need to know how many SIM cards you have in your name.

If you already have multiple SIM cards, you will need to re-validate them as per the update released by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) on December 7, 2021. This means that if you have more than 9 SIM cards, you have to re-validate them. Otherwise, you can transfer it or transfer it to someone else. You can also create one if you don’t need it. Experts say: Anyone who uses more than 9 SIM cards before the new Telecom Act comes into force in 2023 should not expect a fine. However, it is best to throw away unnecessary SIM cards.

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