Business Business: It fell from Rs 78,163 on December 12 to Rs 77,380 on December 13. On Friday, gold prices fell by an average of Rs 783 across the country. Traders said that apart from this, the prices of the precious metal are still under a lot of pressure due to the decline in the international markets. On Friday, the price of 99.9 percent pure 24 carat gold fell by Rs 1,400 to Rs 79,500 per 10 grams. In the previous session, the price per 10 grams closed at Rs 80,900. Silver fell by Rs 4,200 to Rs 92,800 per kg. This was the biggest fall of December. On Thursday, silver closed at Rs 97,000 per kg.
Gold sales increased due to the fall in the US. Experts said that the producer price index and weekly jobless claims increased. As a result, the price of gold on Comex (commodities market) fell to $ 2,670 per 10 grams. Gold on Comex fell by $ 18.60 to $ 2,690.80 per ounce.