Raipur raipur news. Anand Sahu of Hanoda village of Durg district also reached the Chief Minister’s Jandarshan today. He told that his land was acquired in Bharatmala Project 4 years ago, compensation for it has not been received till date. He told that now the work of road construction has also started.
chhattisgarh news On this, the Chief Minister directed the officials to examine the land of Anand Sahu coming under Bharat Mala Project and give immediate relief. The Chief Minister assured Sahu that your application will be examined soon and action will be taken on it as per rules.
The Chief Minister directed the officials to take prompt action in compensation cases so that the citizens do not face any kind of problem. After the instructions of the Chief Minister, the application of Mr. Sahu was forwarded to the Durg Collector. chhattisgarh