AI: The emergence marked a turning point in the world of technology

Technology: The emergence of ChatGPT, a conversational artificial intelligence, brought a turning point in the technology world and improved the way people and machines interact. OpenAI, the inventor of this technology, was initially relatively unknown, but CEO and co-founder Sam Altman gradually rose to fame.

Author Masakazu Kobayashi describes Altman’s journey in a biography titled “The Man Beyond Elon Musk: Sam Altman.” Born in 1985 to a Jewish family, he showed remarkable self-confidence from an early age. He dropped out of Stanford University to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams and eventually made a lot of money investing in startups. Altman, who is known for his love of cars, also showed his cautious side and installed a shelter on his sprawling property for emergencies.

With a lifelong goal of achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI), Altman founded OpenAI in 2015 with the goal of sharing technology for the benefit of humanity. This endeavor was not without challenges, especially when it faced strong competition from tech giants like Google and financial difficulties. OpenAI’s efforts culminated in the public release of ChatGPT, which was an immediate success. However, with its popularity also comes concerns about the ethics of AI. Altman has become an advocate for the responsible use of artificial intelligence and emphasizes its good and bad potential. His relentless pursuit of innovative technology sees him remain a prominent figure in the technology scene and now has interests in the semiconductor industry. Mr. Altman’s future endeavors will continue to attract global attention.

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