ABVP holds last rites against high education fees

Visakhapatnam: Opposing the exorbitant fee charged by the private and corporate educational institutions, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) staged ‘sava yatra’ (mock funeral procession) depicting education minister Botcha Satyanarayana in Visakhapatnam on Thursday.

The city police reached the protest spot and stopped the activists from proceeding further with their yatra. Speaking on the occasion, ABVP city secretary U Nitin said many parents were struggling due to the existing fee structure and demanded the authorities concerned to suspend the recognition of the institutions that charge unaffordable fees.

The activists further stated that many are disposing of their assets to meet the educational needs of their wards. ABVP district convener Raju alleged the state government is turning a blind eye towards the institutions that go unchecked with their hiked fee structure.

In the name of Olympiad, techno and other tags, the activists pointed out that several managements fleece parents.

ABVP representatives Sai Kumar, Satish, Yellaji and others were part of the protest that was interrupted midway due to the police restrictions.

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