Mahasamund. On Tuesday afternoon, an elderly farmer, who was going home with the payment for the paddy sold by him from the District Cooperative Central Bank branch Bhanwarpur, was looted on a deserted road. It has been learnt that the farmer was carrying the said amount tied in his gamchha around his neck and the accused snatched it and fled. According to the information received, the robbery took place at 12:49 pm. The road was deserted. The elderly farmer Haris Yadav is a resident of village Umaria. He told in his report that he was going to Umaria on foot through the old police post in the afternoon.
The farmer had just reached near Shyam Hospital and BSNL tower with the money when a bike rider looted the 49 thousand rupees he was carrying tied in a gamchha hanging on his shoulder and fled. After reaching home, farmer Haris informed his family about the incident. Later, the robbery incident was reported at Bhanwarpur police post. Bhanwarpur post in-charge Rajiv Nahar said that however, the accused is out of the reach of the police. After examining the CCTV footage, efforts are being made to trace and catch the accused.