Maharashtra: Taking advantage of the tension arising from a minor accident in Nandurbar city on Sunday, some people from one group pelted stones at the police. Police have detained 18 people in this case, including seven minors. On Sunday, a drunk rickshaw driver hit a person from another group at Bismillah Chowk in Nandurbar city. This accident created a tense situation in the city. After this, minor incidents again took place between the two groups. Police had deployed heavy security as a precaution. Police had registered a case in all these three incidents and started arresting people.
At around 10 pm, some miscreants from Trikon Iram, Halwai Mohalla and Chirag Gali area took advantage of the darkness and started pelting stones. The sudden stone pelting on the police present for security created a tense situation for some time. As soon as the incident was reported, additional police force reached the spot. They immediately started action. Police brought the situation under control by firing 10 to 12 tear gas shells. Police have detained 18 people in this case. A case has been registered against them. Although there was no loss of life in the stone pelting, a police vehicle was damaged and some officers and employees on duty suffered minor injuries. The tension in the area started to subside from Monday morning. Tight police force has been deployed.
So far 18 people have been detained in the stone pelting case in Nandurbar, out of which seven are minors. Those who try to disturb the peace of the city by taking the law into their own hands will not be spared. There is peace in the city. No one should believe in rumors. If any untoward incident happens, the police should give a befitting reply. – Shravan Dutt S. (Superintendent of Police, Nandurbar)