Zakir Khan will do a show in Madison Square Garden, said – I haven’t seen so many dreams

Mumbai (IANS) | Stand-up star Zakir Khan will become the first Indian to perform at New York’s Madison Square Garden in March 2024. He says that more than what he had dreamed, are coming true. He is also expected to perform at prestigious venues such as the Sydney Opera House and the Palace Theater later this year.
Zakir said: Sydney Opera House and Madison Square Garden.. I get goosebumps just by mentioning their names. These famous landmarks have played host to some of the greatest artists in history, and to have the opportunity to be counted among them is a great achievement.
I have not even seen so many dreams, which are being fulfilled.
It is heartening to feel that I will be following in the footsteps of giants and making people laugh from those hallowed forums. Some of this would not have been possible without the incredible support and love of my fans, who have stood by me throughout.
He added: I am forever grateful to him for allowing me to live my dream and share my stories and art with the world.