Youth selling illegal liquor arrested in Raigarh

Raigarh. During the Minor Act proceedings under the leadership of police station in-charge Kapitalpathra Inspector Krishnakant Singh, a young man selling liquor in Taraimal was arrested with 20 liters of Mahua liquor by the Kapitalpathra staff on the informer’s information.
According to the information, last night police station in-charge Kapitalpathra received information from the informer that Devbrata Sahu of Taraimal had kept Mahua liquor for illegal sale in a hut near his house. Assistant sub-inspector Chandan Singh Netam and Hamrah staff who were patrolling the area were directed by the station in-charge to take action.
Kapitalpathra police team, which reached Taraimal to conduct raid, found the suspect Devbrat Sahu at his house, from whom, after making strict inquiries regarding the sale of illegal liquor, the suspect recovered 20 bulk liters of Mahua filled in two 10-10 liter capacity plastic jerrycans from a hut near his house.
Liquor worth Rs 2000 was brought and presented, which was seized in front of witnesses. Action has been taken under section 34(2), 59(a) of the Excise Act against the actions of the accused Devbrat Sahu, father Santosh Sahu, aged 24 years, S.O. Taraimal Dhanwar Para police station, Kapitalpathra district, Raigarh. Sauni Chandan Singh Netam, Vijay Ekka, Head Constable Amit Tirkey, Nand Sai Kanwar, Constable Vikram Kujur and Narendra Pankra were involved in the liquor raid proceedings.