
Workshop held on ‘Agricultural Entrepreneurship for Green Livelihood’ at Gargaon Collegec

SIVASAGAR: The Department of Economics, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell at Gargaon College, organized a one-day workshop on ‘Agricultural Entrepreneurship for Green Livelihood’ on Friday at the college premises. The workshop started with a welcome speech by Dr. Krishnajyoti Handique, Head of the Department of Economics. Dr. Handique outlined the objective of this workshop. The workshop was organized in order to create awareness among students regarding the scope of agricultural entrepreneurship as a pivotal driver for creating jobs as well as sustainable livelihoods. The workshop was moderated by Borsha Gogoi, a 5th semester student, and Dr. Rimjim Borah, a faculty member of the Department of Economics. The workshop was inaugurated by noted academician, renowned educator, and principal of Gargaon College, Dr. Sabyasachi Mahanta. In his inaugural speech, Dr. Mahanta highlighted the significance of agriculture for self-employment, self-reliance, community development, and green livelihood. Dr. Mahanta stressed that there is an urgent need for organised and well-managed agribusiness in order to achieve tremendous growth in agriculture and allied sectors in the country. A felicitation programme was also organized to felicitate two faculties of the department: Dr. Rimjim Borah for achieving her second PhD degree from Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, and Dr. Nilutpal Chutia for achieving his PhD degree from Tezpur University. The session was moderated by IQAC Coordinator and Faculty of the Department, Dr. Surajit Saikia. Dr. Rina Handique,Vice Principal of the College, shared her expertise and experiences related to pissiculture and other agri-activities. Dr. Pradip Handique, Senior Scientist and Head of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rohdoi, Sivasagar, was invited as a resource person for the programme. Dr. Handique threw light on agri-entrepreneurs skills and qualities, innovation techniques, and different entrepreneurial areas in agriculture like farming, mushroom cultivation, animal husbandry, processing, and product marketing. Dr. Handique also briefly explained the successful stories of a few popular agri-entrepreneurs in Assam. Dr. Rimjim Borah offered the vote of thanks and appreciated the hard work done by all faculties of the department: Dr. Surajit Saikia, Dr. Nilutpal Chutia, Ankika Dutta, Anshu Kumari, Swastika Borkotoky, and all present at the workshop.

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