
Women’s campaign paid off, discussion is happening across the country

Balod. These days in Chhattisgarh, a lot of focus is being given on the No Plastic Use campaign under the Swachh Bharat Mission. People are being motivated by opening utensil banks in many districts of the state so that people refrain from using plastic. At the same time, Balod’s daughter Shraddha Sahu has started Utensil Bank under the No Plastic Use campaign.

Actually, Shraddha Sahu is a normal working woman. Since childhood, Shraddha had a lot of love for nature. If we believe in Shraddha, she used to cry even when the branches of the tree were cut in her childhood. Being from a farmer’s family, childhood was spent amidst nature. Since childhood, he used to feel pain seeing the exploitation of nature by the felling of trees. Seeing the barren lands due to plastic, she decided that now she will take initiative to save nature.

Shraddha started steel utensil bank from her locality with a set of 500 utensils for no plastic use. In the year 2016, Shraddha laid the foundation of Steel Utensil Bank. Started utensil bank with 500 plates, spoons, glasses. Started giving away his utensils for free in events. People from their locality appreciated this initiative of Shraddha. Shraddha did not stop here. He took this campaign to Bhilai, Durg, Raipur and Bastar. This campaign became widespread in no time. Now hundreds of branches of Steel Utensil Bank are functioning in the entire state.

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