
Woman had illicit relations with 10 men while living with her husband, then this happened…

New Delhi. A person has shared his story on the social media platform Reddit. He told people about the problems going on in his life. He told that he has been married for 20 years. But a big secret from the wife’s college days has come to light. Due to which he is broken inside. He is unable to tolerate it. He told that his wife had cheated on him in the initial days of their relationship, then he did not know about it. But now it has come to light. According to Mirror UK report, he said that he met his wife for the first time in high school.

She was one year senior. Both of them fell in love. Dating started. The relationship went well. In between, both remained apart for some time, but even then everything was fine. Later the marriage also took place. The couple has two children. These 20 years of marriage were full of happiness. The man says that his wife had done something during their relationship, which was a secret till date. But now he has come to know about this. This has broken his heart. He is not able to forgive his wife. And divorcing.

The man said that they had a long distance relationship during the wife’s first and second year of college. During that time, he spent one year in high school and another in community college. Later both of them took admission in the same college in the same city. Since then both remained together. Got married after graduation. The man told that after Christmas he met some of his wife’s college friends. The wife said that she met these men in high school. One of the men said how great it was that we met in high school, and that those college years were the best.

Just here the wife said that she would not talk further. Asked my wife several times but she remained silent. But later she agreed to talk. She told that she had slept with many men during those two years of college. She said that it was no big deal, because a long distance relationship was going on. At that time he did not think that the relationship would last so long. The man was told by his ex-wife that she had had relations with 10 men, out of which he had introduced her to 3 of them. She still talks to one of them. Just the next day the man filed for divorce.

The family said that it is not right to take such a decision due to past mistakes. One of the children is 17 years old and the other is 19 years old. The person said that he hopes the children will understand this decision. The man said, ‘I stand by my belief that cheating on me with multiple men over the years is not acceptable, no matter when it happened, but the fact is that he had relationships with these men while he was in a relationship with me. I cannot accept this, this is an insult to me.’ However, most of the people in the comment section have told this person that the things of the past should be left in the past. While some have expressed surprise at his wife doing this.

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