
Wife longs to sleep with husband, matter reaches court

Saharanpur. Till now you must have heard and seen many types of disputes between husband and wife, but this time the matter is completely different and new. The dispute between husband and wife is about sleeping at night. The husband sleeps in the mother’s room at night and the wife opposes this. The argument that started between the two regarding this matter has now taken the form of a dispute. This matter has escalated so much that it has reached the court. Both are making rounds of the court but still the boy’s mother has not taken any initiative to end this dispute.

Till now the wife had objection in this matter but now after the matter reached the court, the circumstances have changed. Now the doctor’s wife is refusing to divorce but the husband is adamant on divorce. The wife is pressurizing the court that the husband hire a maid to take care of his mother, but the husband is not ready to accept even this. The husband says that if mother asks him to sleep in her room, he will sleep in her room only. The dispute between the two is increasing regarding this.

As we already told you that both are doctors, hence this rosary is in high profile category. Currently, both the parties are being counseled in the court also. Since the matter is domestic, we are not making public the identity of the family and the couple in this news. The couple lives in a colony on Delhi Road, Saharanpur. Counseling is going on in the court and now relatives have also come forward to settle this dispute. Now it remains to be seen how the matter is resolved.

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