Water Quality Concerns Alarm Sambalpur Residents in Odisha

SAMBALPUR: Supply of poor quality of drinking water by the Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO) has led to serious concerns among residents of the city which reported outbreaks of waterborne diseases not so long ago.
Residents from several localities have reported receiving supply water, filled with dirt and sand, raising serious safety and cleanliness concerns.
Till last month, the city battled an outbreak of jaundice, affecting over 110 persons in a cluster in five localities including Kumbharpada, Slaiabagicha, Dhobapada, Pensionpada and Nayapara. Sporadic cases were reported in other localities too.
In March this year, over 265 residents were affected due to the Diarrhea outbreak in Hirakud town.
In both cases, contaminated supply water was found to be the major factor behind the outbreak. With the monsoon season underway, the risk of waterborne diseases has increased.
Leaking supply lines near drains persist, and presence of contaminants in the supply water has only fuelled fears among residents.
Despite WATCO’s assurances, repair and maintenance work seems to have had little impact, with residents continuing to experience issues with their water.
A local of Modipada area, Sumita Nayak said, “I have been finding sand settling at the bottom of the vessel in which I fetch supply water every day. I have to filter it at home and boil it before using it to ensure it is safe. Others in our locality have also reported same the issue.”
Another resident from Budharaja, Sidhant Bohidar said complaints have remained unresolved. “My family members panic when they see dirt and sand in the supply water. But there seems to be no solution to it.”