Water level at Opa treatment plant becoming normal

PONDA: After struggling for a week to maintain water level at Opa water treatment plant, the officials there heaved a sigh of relief on Wednesday as the water level has slowly started becoming normal.
The water levels fell at Opa plant as it did not get water from Salaulim and Ganjem dams for one week. Officials are struggling to maintain the required water levels at Opa plant due to the scorching heat.
The water levels normally maintained at Opa is around 3.5 metre and if it reduces below 3 metre, it becomes difficult to pump water for treatment. Last week, the officials witnessed technical problem in drawing 105 MLD water from Ganjem and around 48 MLD from Salaulim dam due to technical issues and also repairs of damaged pipeline.
Following this, the water level at Opa river even below 2.90 metre. However officials released water from Occambi and Shignewal bandharas, which helped in maintaining the water level.
Since Tuesday, water from Salaulim and Ganjem dams was being released into Opa river following which officials heaved a sigh of relief. The officials said as water is released from Salaulim and Ganjem the water level will become normal in next few days and the plant will run smoothly to supply water to Tiswadi and Ponda.
The Opa plant treats 170 MLD water everyday and supplies around 140 MLD water to Tiswadi, Ponda beside parts of Dharbandora and other areas. It gets raw water from water stored in 24 bandharas on Dudhsagar river (Opa), besides 48 MLD from Salaulim Dam and 105 MLD from Usgao and Ganjem dams.