
Visakhapatnam: A call to save the environment

Visakhapatnam: HPCL-Visakh Refinery conducted various activities to spread awareness on environment protection on the occasion of World Environment Day.

With the theme of the year focusing on ‘land restoration, desertification and drought resilience’, the activities like walkathon, clean-up activity at Yarada beach, community awareness campaigns like skits, songs and streetplays were organised. Cloth bags and saplings were distributed to people in various residential areas.

The company conducted competitions like quiz, slogans, poetry writing, painting, photography, reels and memes for employees and family members.

Marking the day, eco-friendly water bottles were distributed to contract workers. Also the refinery initiated plantation activity with a target of planting 26,500 saplings in its vicinity.

R. Ramakrishnan, executive director – Visakh Refinery spoke about the significance of environment protection and various measures taken by the company. P. Veerabhadra Rao, ED-VRMP, and Abhishek Trivedi, ED-VREP administered a pledge to 500 participants.

Prizes were given to winners of various competitions and saplings were distributed to the employees.

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